Contingent Skilled Trades Workforce
Do you have a shutdown coming up that will require additional resources to complete?
Do you have a project coming up that will require an additional Millwright, Welder, PipeFitter or other Skilled Trade specialist??
Kilmarnock has been providing contingent skilled trades staffing to plants, projects and companies for over 30 years. Whether you need additional workforce support for a day or two or more, week or two or more…need 1 or 2 or a team of 8 or 10 or more, we can provide you with the temporary staffing you need. Talk to us today about your contingent workforce needs.
We have the Skilled Trades specialists you need: Millwrights, Welders and Pipe Fitters. Call us today and find the peace of mind knowing that Kilmarnock will ensure that your project is staffed with the skills needed.
Plant Shutdowns are critical to your success but they often require additional resources to be executed flawlessly. Kilmarnock has over 30 years of experience in managing plant shutdowns and start-ups. Call us today and get the Kilmarnock advantage working for you!
We cover all aspects of Maintenance Support. Preventative: routine maintenance; Predictive: collecting data through non-destructive testing and measurement, vibration analysis, laser alignment, x-ray, visual inspection and 3D scanning; Corrective: engineered, fabricated and installed for cost effective reliable solutions; Reactive: 24/7 Emergency response, multi-skilled tradesmen
Turn to us when you need additional support in Automation and Controls, our specialists will ensure that your operations run smoothly and you have access to the expertise you need, when you need it.
Our highly skilled, trained staff will complement your team and ensure that your operations continue to run smoothly or your project is executed on time
Put our experience and expertise to work: call us today to talk about your planned plant shutdown, new line being installed and commissioned, major project you have scheduled, or any situation requiring additional manpower on a temporary or contingent basis. We invest in our staff by providing up to 25 hours of training each year and encouraging our skilled trades specialists to be multi-ticketed.
Our expertise includes:
Millwright, Welder, Pipe Fitter Support
Automation & Controls Technicians
Maintenance Support
Shift Coverage
CWB & TSSA Certification
Contingent Skilled Trades Workforce Solutions in the spotlight
Extra resources
When your project needs extra resources to get completed on time, you can turn to Kilmarnock to acquire the extra help you need and the specialized skills you need. Fully trained, certified and seasoned specialists are available to ensure that you meet your deadlines and achieve your goals.
Skilled Trades
Our skilled trades workers are master craftsmen that take great pride in their work and thrive on the challenge of working on a wide variety of projects. The diversity of work enhances their skills and expertise, which translates into exceptional short-term help for you when you need it.
Short-term support
Count on Kilmarnock for your next planned shutdown, for maintenance or upgrade projects during shutdown. If you need extra help for starting up or installing a new line, we can help with that too! Talk to us today about your upcoming short-term skilled trades workforce needs.
Additional Solutions we offer
Industry 4.0
Robotics, Automation & Industry 4.0
Today's marketplace increasingly demands higher flexibility, increased productivity while maintaining or enhancing quality of manufactured/fabricated products. To meet those demands, industry is seeking to incorporate new technologies, automation and controls, robots and cobots, and specialized software. It can be overwhelming, but our team can ....
Custom Equipment Building
We have the professional staff and experience in equipment engineering and contract equipment manufacturing to deliver your solution. We can create custom designed and engineered equipment, fabricate, install and commission to enable you to meet the ever changing demands of your industry. Use our full suite of services to add automation and...
Innovation, Engineering & Development
Whether you are bringing a winning concept to life and making it viable for production, needing to figure out how to scale-up and ramp-up production capacity, or finding solutions to some emerging design flaws (or minor adjustments) our team has the expertise and cross-industry knowledge to provide you with the solutions you need...
Industries our machine shop serves
End-to-End Industry Solution Provider Solving Complex Problems
15 Hershey Drive
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 4T1
Phone: 613-283-4422
Fax: 613-283-8649
166 North Murray Street
Trenton, ON K8V 6R8
Phone: 613-394-4422
Fax: 613-394-4411
1444 Lakeshore Rd S,
Haileybury, ON P0J 1K0
Phone: 705-647-4461
Fax: 613-283-8649